General Membership Meetings
General Membership Meeting- May 9, 2022
General Membership Meeting- April 11, 2022
May 9, 2022 General Membership Meeting
Vice President, John Jordan, presents a slide show regarding the upcoming Pennsylvania Primary Election and provides information on the current ballot candidates and voting.
April 11, 2022 General Membership Meeting
Our various Committees provided updates on activities.
General Membership Meeting March 14, 2022
General Membership Meeting February 14, 2022
March 14, 2022 General Membership Meeting
A meeting with some of the leaders of Bucks County’s law enforcement departments to learn about the work they are doing in our communities. Our special guests include: FBI agent, James Christie; Bucks County Sheriff, Frederick Harran: Police Chiefs Association of Bucks County President & New Hope Township Police Chief, Michael Cummings; Bensalem Township Police Chief, William McVey; Falls Township Police Chief, Nelson Whitney
February 14, 2022 General Membership Meeting
The President's Report: Updates on the fair funding trial, redistricting, elections and voting.
General Membership Meeting January 10, 2022
January 2022 General Membership Meeting
Updates presented by all active NAACP Bucks County Committees.
General Membership Meeting November 22, 2021
November 2021 General Membership Meeting
Branch activity updates, the mission of each Committee, a brief history of House Bill 38.
General Membership Meeting September 13, 2021
September 2021 General Membership Meeting
Guests include members of the Bucks County Republican Row candidates at tonight's meeting.
General Membership Meeting July 12, 2021
July 2021 General Membership Meeting
Special guests: Lt. Governor, John Fetterman and Antonetta Stancu, Esq.
General Membership Meeting December 13, 2021
December 2021 General Membership Meeting Gerrymandering and redistricting in Pennsylvania.
General Membership Meeting October 11, 2021
October 2021 General Membership Meeting
Bucks County Commissioner, Bob Harvie, talks about elections and answers questions on voting.
General Membership Meeting August 9, 2021
August 2021 General Membership Meeting
Highlights include special guest PA State Representative, Malcolm Kenyatta.
General Membership Meeting June 28, 2021
June 2021 General Membership Meeting
Highlights include the second of two educational workshops by We The People - PA.
General Membership Meeting May 10, 2021
May 2021 General Membership Meeting
Highlights include the first of two educational workshops by We The People - PA.
General Membership Meeting April 21, 2021
April 2021 General Membership Meeting
Highlights include Andrea Randolph of Fulton Bank on the Payment Protection Program (PPP) and additional banking solutions offered by Fulton; Helen Lee telling her own story of life as an Asian American and leading a discussion on anti-Asian racism; and Dr. Umar Farooq with information on Covid-19 vaccinations.
General Membership Meeting March 30, 2021
March 2021 General Membership Meeting
Highlights include guest speakers Diane Ellis-Marseglia, Mark Lomax, Fred Harran, and Judge Timika Lane.
General Membership Meeting February 8, 2021
February 2021 General Membership Meeting
Highlights include the Installation Ceremony, Hon. Judge Joseph Falcone presiding; remarks from Dr. Imitiaz Chaudry; special guest Judge Carolyn Nichols.
Addressing Racism in Everyday Life
Workshop I: Educating Ourselves On White Privilege
Explore the different experiences people have in our country simply because of the color of their skin - the privilege that comes with being white and the damage that comes with being a person of color in America. Held on 10/15/20.
Addressing Racism in Everyday Life
Workshop II: How To Be An Ally To People Of Color
Hear about what it means to be an ally to people of color and how to put your ally-ship into action. Held on 10/26/20.
III. Implicit Bias and Microaggression
Addressing Racism in Everyday Life
Workshop III: Implicit Bias and Micro-aggressions
Take a deeper dive into implicit bias and how it leads to micro-aggressions. Strategies provided that participants can use to identify, combat, and manage their own implicit biases. Held on 2/11/21.
IV. Talking to Children about Race and Racism
Addressing Racism in Everyday Life
Workshop IV: Talking to Children about Race and Racism
Learn about the harmful impact of racism on children and how to frame conversations with them on race and racism. Companion educational materials provide specific steps and suggestions by age group. Held on 2/18/21.
I. Educating Ourselves On White Privilege
II. How To Be An Ally To People Of Color
Discussing Books and Films
The Science Behind Trauma Informed Teaching
Our latest conversation in our latest Book and Film series: "The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity" by Dr. Nadine Burke Harris. We talked about the connection between adversity, coping strategies, and physical and mental well-being in children. Held on February 20, 2022.
Spike Lee's "Do the Right Thing"
Discussing Books and Films
Dr. Wilbert Turner: Spike Lee's "Do the Right Thing"
Guest speaker Dr. Wilbert Turner leads a conversation on Spike Lee's 1989 film "Do the Right Thing" Dr. Turner is an award-winning playwright as well as Associate Professor at Delaware Valley University where he specializes in African American Literature, Adaptation Studies, Film Studies and Narrative Theory and serves as Publication Advisor for the University’s literary journal. Held on May 25, 2021. ("Do the Right Thing" is available for streaming on Amazon Prime and Hulu.)
"Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass"
Discussing Books and Films
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
Guest speaker Robert Daye reflects on his experiences growing up as a black person in Bucks County and how reading the “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave” changed his life. Held on March 30, 2021
Current Affairs
PA HB 38- A Civics Lesson on Why Courts Matter
PA HB 38: A Civics Lesson on Why Courts Matter
A panel discussion on PA HB 38, how it enables judicial gerrymandering, and how you can help stop its passage. Featuring Kadida Kenner, Director of Campaigns, Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center and Why Courts Matter; and Tiffany Thomas-Smith and Robert Repko, judicial candidates for the Bucks County Court of Common Pleas. Held on 1/11/21.